Sunday 25 March 2012

D.I.Y: Glitter Peter Pan Collar

(this is my first D.I.Y , be a little kind =P)
These cute peter pan collars are everywhere and I'm sure that they are here to stay! they combine innocence and glam perfectly!
Here is a very easy version of the peter pan collar with an extra dose of glitter for under 2 dollar ( 100 INR).
So ,what are you waiting for?
GO ahead and DO IT YOURSELF!

what you need:

-Any thick fabric(i used suede)
-Fabric Glue


- Iron the fusing on the wrong side of the fabric.Make sure it sticks properly.
-Cut out a pattern of your desired collar on paper. One pattern would do for both the sides.
-Trace the pattern on the fabric and cut out the patterns.
-Stick the two sides together from the middle with fabric glue. A drop or two will do. Let it dry
-(now comes the messy part ) Apply fabric glue uniformly to any side of the fabric ( i applied it on the fusing, so that I could use my collar from  both the sides) WITH the help of a brush.
-Put the glitter evenly and let it dry.
-After it dries , Make holes on the edge of the collar sides and attach your chain or ribbon.
-Tralalaalala, Your amazing statement neckpiece is ready!
 the pattern
 fusing attached on the fabric
 the sides
 it should be joined from the middle

 ( all pictures are mine , unless stated otherwise)
you can wear it in so many ways! just let the creative juices flow in you and experiment!

send me a picture of what you made too , I would love to feature it in my blog!
if you want me to D.I.Y anything for you , leave a comment or email or tweet me!
AndAndAnd, I hope you liked it.
much love,
Abhilasha :*